"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it." - George Moore

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Full Moon

Um, I don't think I have to explain this one other than to say that I go in for a 3D ultrasound and this is the view I get. My son would rather be stubborn and suck on his thumb and hide his face with his hands rather than show his mama his cute little face. My only conclusion is that since he acts just like his father, he must look like him too. The backside does look familiar ;)


  1. Shannon! I just spent the last half hour reading your entire blog & I love it!! You did such a great job & you are such a good writer!! You make the simplest things sound so interesting & funny!! I'm so glad you're in the family!! Thanks for sharing! e-mail me & I'll add you to my blog, it's private due to my overprotective & worried husband & father!
    Love ya~

  2. WOW, you blog looks so good. Will you please update mine for me. I would just rather read a book these days. :)
